Lunes, 16 de septiembre 2024, 10:05
During the first half of 2024, there was a 2.5% increase in automobile thefts compared to the same period last year. This rise is particularly noticeable in areas such as Málaga, Cantabria, Tarragona, Girona, and Alicante, according to the quarterly crime report from the Ministry of the Interior. Specifically, between April and June, a total of 8,241 vehicles were stolen in Spain, a figure higher than the same months in 2023, when 213 fewer units were taken. This period includes holidays such as the May Day Bridge or San Isidro, which are especially sensitive due to increased travel away from home and the 'neglect' of private vehicles when traveling by other means.
In total, during the first six months of 2024, 16,272 vehicles were stolen, representing an increase of 403 units and a 2.5% rise compared to the first half of last year. This widespread increase underscores the importance of strengthening preventive measures, such as installing advanced telematic systems in private or company vehicles. The adoption of location technologies like those offered by LoJack is crucial in addressing this issue as it increases the chances of recovering stolen vehicles.
The provinces of Madrid and Barcelona, which have the largest number of vehicles, once again top the ranking for vehicle thefts with 3,614 and 3,320 cases respectively. While vehicle thefts in the Spanish capital increased by 1.1%, they decreased by 4.5% in Barcelona compared to the first six months of 2023.
In Toledo, vehicle thefts increased by nearly 100 units; and in Girona, Alicante, or Málaga, by more than fifty. On the other hand, provinces such as Álava, Ourense, Lugo, or Albacete registered a reduction in vehicle thefts.
One of the most effective ways to prevent vehicle theft is by installing telematic systems that allow authorities to locate stolen vehicles quickly. LoJack offers the most effective vehicle recovery solution on the market, based on radio frequency technology to detect and track cars or motorcycles with great effectiveness.
LoJack is known for its high recovery rate and for being an important ally for security forces. Its ability to operate in areas where other systems—such as GPS—cannot function (for example, underground garages or metal structures) makes it an especially effective option for protecting cars against theft.
By using a system that does not connect to the vehicle's battery, LoJack remains active and locatable even when the vehicle's battery is disconnected. This feature, combined with the company's alarm center service active 24 hours a day and seven days a week, makes this technology highly effective.
José Ignacio Rubio, General Manager of LoJack Iberia, explains: "The increase in thefts reaffirms the need for both private and company vehicle owners as well as local authorities to consider solutions like LoJack as part of a comprehensive security strategy. This way we can combat the growing problem of vehicle thefts in Spain."
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