Viernes, 20 de septiembre 2024, 19:05
The national deputy of the PP for Alicante, Julia Parra, denounced this Friday, September 20, the state of the Civil Guard barracks in Muro de Alcoy and Cocentaina, highlighting that they are 'in a significant state of neglect, without public attention and without personnel'.
Parra, who met this morning in Cocentaina with national deputies Joaquin Melgarejo and Sandra Pascual, along with mayors and PP spokespersons from El Comtat, noted that 'we have confirmed the lack of personnel and investment in these facilities, which affects citizen services and public safety'.
'The Popular Party has long been denouncing the lack of investment by the Spanish Government in security in rural areas. The deterioration and dismantling of Civil Guard barracks are proof of this,' she asserted.
She added that the 'government of Pedro Sánchez, led by Minister Marlaska, intends to create a new territorial security structure that endangers almost 600 Civil Guard positions in low-population areas, in addition to wanting to dismantle the Seprona service'.
'Investment in the barracks has ceased, which leaves both citizens and some agents of the State Security Forces in a precarious situation,' she stated. 'Specifically, in this area where we are located, the barracks in Muro de Alcoy and Cocentaina have citizen service hours that have been reduced due to this lack of investment and are insufficient to cover the entire area they depend on,' said the deputy while recalling that these barracks had been open.
In this regard, she explained that the operation of the Cocentaina barracks is on alternate days, 'which generates neglect for citizens and insecurity' and a 'clear irresponsibility towards complainants with reduced mobility or elderly people.'
The Comtat region has 28,000 inhabitants and is served by only two Civil Guard posts, which means that during transfers and public safety operations, the area remains unattended due to a lack of personnel.
Regarding figures for the province of Alicante, there are 2568 personnel with a deficit of 265 agents. In terms of investments, also in figures, in 2022 there were 28,000 euros from European funds of which not a single euro was spent. In 2023, the allocation was 300,000 euros but only 43,000 euros were executed. The rest was lost.
Therefore, Parra has asked Pedro Sánchez's government to 'assume its responsibility towards the State Security Forces and citizens of Alicante province, which ranks last on its investment list'. 'We are facing a prime minister clinging to his seat without caring about anything other than his own benefit. Spaniards must realize that their prime minister only cares about himself; his goal is to continue cutting citizens' security and social welfare,' she concluded.
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