Adrián Mazón
Lunes, 30 de diciembre 2024, 15:55
Christmas reaches every corner in Alicante. The Red Cross has hosted a very special meal with the users of the Low Demand Intervention Centre (CIBE) this Monday.
The organisation, recognised and awarded with the Alicantinos 2024 prize granted a few weeks ago by this newspaper, has brought the spirit and taste of these festivities to the most vulnerable through gastronomy.
The Red Cross explains that during Monday's event, they served fifty of these menus, consisting of rice with crust and homemade desserts.
CIBE users enjoyed this Christmas menu within the centre's premises and in company, while others preferred to take it elsewhere, with the Red Cross delivering the dishes by hand.
Those attended by CIBE, a resource managed by the Red Cross in Alicante, suffer from addiction problems and are homeless.
This resource has assisted a total of 223 people in 2024 and carried out more than 12,600 interventions, highlighting support in hygiene, food, social and health care, and psychological support.
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